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Ufficio Turistico Consorzio


Urbino is at the heart of an authentic organic district. Sustainable farming and respect for nature are elements that feature strongly in local agriculture and produce. This way of doing things combines the best that tradition has to offer, while continuing to safeguard typical produce and a love of serving great foods. The many farms and food businesses operating in the Province of Pesaro and Urbino care deeply about the safety and quality of their food.
Processors and producers of finished goods pay scrupulous attention to the organic supply line to make the most of the work of growers, who respect all of the ethical values and practices that form the foundation of organic farming. Natural growing cycles are combined with inspections, certification, and a love of good food. Choosing to follow the organic route means placing a focus on people's health and respect for our natural environment.

Plan your stay in Urbino

Info and Services
Tourist offices
Useful numbers
Municipality of Urbino
Marche Region
Social Media
Programma attività 2023/2025
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